Saturday, 18 January 2014

Hai Jammers!

Welcome to the Custom AJ blog! :D
I am so excited to be a blogger! FINALLY

There will be many CRAZY events happening on this blog!

Everyday there will be something to leave you wanting more!

I hope today's Saturday story is your cup of Tea!

Ok here it is

                                                                                    The story of the Porch Swing

Before The Alphas had even discovered Jamaa, Everything was grey. Everything was NOTHING. No Jammers, No music, No laughter, No nothing. Then one day, there were Jammers, Music, and Laughter! Jamaa was finally full with loving people! Until one day, a bunch of SCAMMERS Signed up. They started scamming everyone, Making Jamaa an unhappy place. Jamaa was a land, Full of cries and shrieks, there were dark and mysterious jammers everywhere, rare items showered the ground. No-one dared to take them, because the scammers would rush out and scam everyone. One day, a Jammer Named ‘Tickens’ signed up. In no time, she was very rare and wealthy. She was big enough to stand up to the scammers, but she didn’t dare to. They were powerful enough to hack anyone. One day, she got enough courage to fight up to the scammers. “Go out of Jamaa! No-one wants people like you! People that are scammers!!!” Tickens yelled. “Hey, send me your Planter and I will send you a spike,” A scammer said. “NO! WE ARE SICK OF YOUR LITTLE SCHEMES!” Tickens yelled. At this tone, All the scammers ran for it, Never to  be seen again, as a reward, Everyone built Tickens a porch swing, which is now a beta item!

Sorry if it seemed violent or upsetting to some of you, I feel ashamed if so, Please comment! 

 - Tickens

(P.s. That fish is my fish that died :'(  )

1 comment:

  1. Please, No mean comments (such as swearing, cussing, Insulting, Discouraging the blog) No rude comments (Such as sexual matters, illegal plotting so on)

    Happy Jamming! -Tickens
